have been selected as one of eleven start-ups from a worldwide cohort to participate in the next Sustainable Aero Lab programme. have been selected as one of eleven start-ups from a worldwide cohort to participate in the next programme. Motulus’s solutions and expertise in optimization have been recognised as contributing to driving wastage out of airline operations: the efficiency Motulus’s optimization solutions bring often have an impact on an organizations carbon footprint in addition to delivering a financial benefit.
As a people centric organization Motulus are driven to make a difference; particularly to help the translation to a sustainable future. Motulus CEO, Benjamin Algoet says “We are really excited to be able to participate in this programme. Our solutions combine deep mathematics and high performance computing to help drive efficiency for our customers. Our solutions can have a real impact on helping customers reduce aircraft ferry flights or crew positioning duties and hotel stays.”
The sustainable Aero Lab programmes create an opportunity for startups to challenge themselves to further excel in their field. This gives a strong platform for airlines and partner organizations to work with Motulus to deliver their sustainable objectives.
Sustainable Aero Lab’s next lab session takes place in Hamburg on 9th and 10th February 2023. For further information visit or